Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Determinants of Green Purchases by Swiss Consumers

Tanner, C., & Kast, S. (2003). Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Determinants of Green Purchases by Swiss Consumers. Psychology & Marketing, 20(10), 883-902. doi:10.1002/mar.10101.
Given that overconsumption in industrial countries is a main cause of environmental degradation, a shift toward more sustainable consumption patterns is required. This study attem…

The Theory of Planned Behaviour: Self-Identity, Social Identity and Group Norms

Terry, D., Hogg, M., & White, K. (1999). The theory of planned behaviour: Self-identity, social identity and group norms. British Journal of Social Psychology, 38(3), 225-244. doi:10.1348/014466699164149.
Examined the role that self-identity plays in the theory of planned behavior and, more specifically (1) examined the combined effects of self-identity and social identity construc…

When Social Norms and Pressures Are Not Enough: Environmental Performance in the Trucking Industry

Thornton, D., Kagan, R., & Gunningham, N. (2009). When social norms and pressures are not enough: Environmental performance in the trucking industry. Law & Society Review, 43(2), 405-436. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5893.2009.00377.x.
Why do some business firms and not others work hard to advance regulatory values such as environmental protection and comply with regulations? Previous research indicates that bus…

The Eye of the Camera: Effects of Security Cameras on Prosocial Behavior

van Rompay, T., Vonk, D., & Fransen, M. (2009). The eye of the camera: Effects of security cameras on prosocial behavior. Environment and Behavior, 41(1), 60-74. doi:10.1177/0013916507309996.
This study addresses the effects of security cameras on prosocial behavior. Results from previous studies indicate that the presence of others can trigger helping behavior, arisin…

Spillover Processes in the Development of a Sustainable Consumption Pattern

Thogersen, J. (1999). Spillover processes in the development of a sustainable consumption pattern. Journal of Economic Psychology, 20, 1, 53-81.
Hypotheses about possible mechanisms for spillover processes between pro-environmental behaviors were developed and tested by means of structural equation modelling. Data were col…

Shifting to Sustainable Modes of Transportation in Boulder Colorado Using Incentives, Norms, Communication and Feedback

In order to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, the Boulder City Council began to promote sustainable methods of transportation. Through public meetings, barriers to usin…

"Norm"ally Distributed Data: The Differential Effects of Injunctive, Descriptive, and Personal Norms on Littering

Reno, R. R. "Norm"ally distributed data: The differential effects of injunctive, descriptive, and personal norms on littering. Vol. 52. 1991.

The Effect of Sign Prompts and Modeling on Encouraging Dog Owners to Pick-up Dog Droppings in Chicago, Illinois

Jason, L. A., Zolik, E. S., & Matese, F. J. (1979). Prompting dog owners to pick up dog droppings. American Journal of Community Psychology, 7, 3, 339-351.
After conducting a literature review, sign prompts and modeling were identified as effective tool for encouraging dog owners to pick up after their dogs. Therefore, these tools we…

Social Context, Personal Norms and the Use of Public Transportation: Two Field Studies

Bamberg, S., Hunecke, M., & Blöbaum, A. (2007). Social context, personal norms and the use of public transportation: Two field studies. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27(3), 190-203.
The paper concentrates on the role personal norms play in the decision to use public transportation means instead of the car. An integrative theoretical framework is presented fro…

Willingness to Accept Climate Change Strategies: The Effect of Values and Norms

Nilsson, A., von Borgstede, C., & Biel, A. (2004). Willingness to accept climate change strategies: The effect of values and norms. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(3), 267-277.
The present study examined how values, organizational goals and norms influence willingness to accept climate change policy measures within organizations. Respondents were 356 dec…

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