CBSM Recommends

Household Actions Can Provide a Behavioral Wedge to Rapidly Reduce US Carbon Emissions

Dietz, T., Gardner, G.T., Gilligan, J., Stern, P.C., Vandenbergh, M.P. (2009). Household actions can provide a behavioral wedge to rapidly reduce US carbon emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(44), 18452-18456.
Most climate change policy attention has been addressed to long-term options, such as inducing new, low-carbon energy technologies and creating cap-and-trade regimes for emissions…

Utilizing a Social-Ecological Framework to Promote Water and Energy Conservation: A Field Experiment

Kurz, T., Donaghue, N., & Walker, I. (2005). Utilizing a social-ecological framework to promote water and energy conservation: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35(6), 1281-1300.
The present study utilized a social-ecological framework to design an intervention to reduce residential water and energy use in a local community. An experimental design was used…

Students as Catalysts of Environmental Change: A Framework for Researching Intergenerational Influence through Environmental Education

Ballantyne, R., Connell, S., & Fien, J. (2006). Students as Catalysts of Environmental Change: A Framework for Researching Intergenerational Influence through Environmental Education. Environmental Education Research, 12, 413-427.
Many environmental problems are desperately in need of attention. Educating both adults and young people is seen as part of the solution to such problems. Given this situation, an…

Combining Behavioral Theories to Predict Recycling Involvement

Oom Do Valle, P., Rebelo, E., Reis, E., & Menezes, J. (2005). Combining Behavioral Theories to Predict Recycling Involvement. Environment and Behavior, 37(3), 364-396. doi:10.1177/0013916504272563.
This study merges insights from two well-known attitude-behavior theories—the theory of planned behavior and the model of altruistic behavior—with elements from two broader models…

Normative Social Influence is Underdetected

Nolan, J. M., Schultz, P. W., Cialdini, R. B., Goldstein, N. J., Griskevicius V. (2008). Normative Social Influence is Underdetected. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 (7), 913-923.
The present research investigated the persuasive impact and detectability of normative social influence. The first study surveyed 810 Californians about energy conservation and fo…

The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms

Schultz P. W., Nolan J. M., Cialdini R. B., Goldstein N. J., Griskevicius Vladas (2007). The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms. Psychological Science, 18(5), 429-434.
Despite a long tradition of effectiveness in laboratory tests, normative messages have had mixed success in changing behavior in field contexts, with some studies showing boomeran…

Using Normative Social Influence to Promote Conservation Among Hotel Guests

Schultz, P. W., Khazian, A., Zaleski, A. (2008). Using normative social influence to promote conservation among hotel guests. Social Influence, 3(1), 4-23.
Three field experiments are reported on the ability of printed normative messages to influence conservation behavior among hotel guests. While prior research has shown that social…

Changing Homeowners' Use of Toxic Household Products: A Transactional Approach

Werner, C. (2003). Changing homeowners' use of toxic household products: A transactional approach. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23(1), 33-45
The present article examines how a multilevel persuasion program might induce environmental attitude and behavior change. An education and behavior change program was developed to…

Responses to Within-Group Criticism: Does Past Adherence to Group Norms Matter?

Tarrant, M., & Campbell, E. (2007). Responses to within-group criticism: Does past adherence to group norms matter?. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37(6), 1187-1202. doi:10.1002/ejsp.441.
Two studies tested the hypothesis that responses to within-group criticism are influenced by perceptions of a critic's prior adherence to ingroup norms. Participants responded to …

Putting Text in Context: The Conflict Between Pro-Ecological Messages and Anti-Ecological Descriptive Norms

Oceja, L., & Berenguer, J. (2009). Putting text in context: The conflict between pro-ecological messages and anti-ecological descriptive norms. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 12(2), 657-666.
In the present work we test whether the effectiveness of ecological messages may be canceled out when they conflict with the descriptive norm that is salient in the situation. In …

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May 29th - 31st, 2024

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