CBSM Recommends

Stepping It Up

Developed in the Region of Peel, Ontario, Stepping It Up was a program designed to reduce car traffic and increase walking and cycling to school by working with elementary school …
CBSM Recommends

Portland’s Smart Trips Welcome Program

After creating Smart Trips, a successful transportation program for residents of Portland, Oregon, the Bureau of Transportation chose to redefine the program, shifting its focus t…

Reducing Electricity and Natural Gas Consumption Using Feedback and Incentives in Voorschoten, Netherlands, ,

Midden, C. J., Meter, J. E., Weenig, M. H., & Zieverink, H. J. (1983). Using feedback, reinforcement and information to reduce energy consumption in
After conducting a literature review, a pilot program was designed to reduce energy consumption in apartment complexes. Ninety-one households were divided into 4 conditions. All g…

Water Efficiency Durham

Durham Region is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, on the eastern border of Toronto. In 1995 Durham Region began developing initiatives to help their customers reduce wa…

Florida Clean Marina Program

Program developed as a multi-media single sector effort to implement a voluntary, partnership-driven, criteria and incentive-based, proactive pollution prevention approach for mar…

Innovative Uses of Compost: Using Microorganisms Instead of Pesticides for Farming

Farmers in the United States have been plagued for years by expensive unsustainable agriculture. More than 10 percent of the vegetables planted in the United States are lost to ro…

R-2000 Home Energy and Water Efficiency Program

The goal of the R-2000 program is to increase energy efficiency in new homes and to encourage the construction of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient houses. R-2000 home…

Students Teaching Students on the Importance of Using Both Sides of Paper, Conserving Energy, and Recycling

Students can be the best teachers. In 1995, students in the Student Leadership Class designed and delivered educational messages to teachers and students on the importance of usin…

Increasing Paper Recycling in Portland Oregon Dormitories Using Incentives and Commitment

Wang, T. H. & Katzev, R. D. (1990). Group commitment and resource conservation: Two field experiments on promoting recycling. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20, 4, Part 1, 265-275.
After conducting a literature review, two behavior change tools were incorporated into a pilot program designed to increase the amount of paper being recycled in a Portland Oregon…

Virtual Oceania

Introductory Workshop

Nov 26th - 28th, 2024

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Virtual North America

Introductory Workshop

Dec 3rd - 5th, 2024

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