Tax Credits as a Means of Influencing Consumer Behavior

Pitts, R. E., & Wittenbach, J. L. (1981). Tax credits as a means of influencing consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 8, 3, 335-338.
Examined the impact of the Residential Energy Conservation Tax Credit via telephone survey in a midwestern city; 146 individuals participated. Results suggest that the Tax Credit …

Using Group Contingencies to Reduce Natural Gas Consumption in Master Metered Apartments

Slavin, R. E. & Wodarski, J. S. (1977). Center for Social Organization of Schools Report, Johns Hopkins U. Using group contingencies to reduce natural gas consumption in master metered apartments. (pp. 16).
Examined the effectiveness of large vs small group contingencies in reducing the natural gas consumption of apartment residents who did not pay for their utilities. Results show t…

"Consciousness" in Energy Conservation Behavior: An Exploratory Study

Heslop, L. A., Moran, L. & Cousineau, A. (1981). "Consciousness" in energy conservation behavior: An exploratory study. Journal of Consumer Research, 8, 3, 299-305.
An analysis of 6 yrs of electricity consumption in Canada, along with questionnaire data, highlights the importance of household characteristics and family size in predicting elec…

Dormitory Residents Reduce Electricity Consumption when Exposed to Real-Time Visual Feedback and Incentives

Petersen, J., Shunturov, V., Janda, K., Platt, G., & Weinberger, K. (2007). Dormitory Residents Reduce Electricity Consumption when Exposed to Real-Time Visual Feedback and Incentives. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 8(1), 16.
Purpose: In residential buildings, personal choices influence electricity and water consumption. Prior studies indicate that information feedback can stimulate resource conservati…

Energy Behavior

Stern, P., & Kirkpatrick, E. (1977, January 1). Energy Behavior. Environment.
This article discusses the current two major schools of thought about energy conservation. One is based on a system of incentives or penalties to change behavior and the other on …

Tapping Satisfactions to Promote Energy Conservation Behavior

Simmons, D., & Widmar, R. (1986). Tapping Satisfactions to Promote Energy Conservation Behavior. Environmental Education and Information, 5(2), 70.
Discusses a study which explored the role of non-monetary incentives in encouraging conservation related behaviors with sixth grade students. It was found that satisfactions deali…

Using Feedback, Reinforcement and Information to Reduce Energy Consumption in Households: A Field-Experiment

Midden, C. J., Meter, J. E., Weenig, M. H., & Zieverink, H. J. Using feedback, reinforcement and information to reduce energy consumption in households: A field-experiment. Vol. 3. 1983. 65-86.
Presents results of a research project on the effectiveness of behavior modification strategies in influencing energy use in family households. A field experiment was carried out …

Effects of Monetary Rebates, Feedback, and Information on Residential Electricity Conservation

Winett, R. A., Kagel, J. H., Battalio, R. C. & Winkler, R. C. Effects of monetary rebates, feedback, and information on residential electricity conservation. Vol. 63. 1978. 73-80.
Assigned 129 participant households in Texas during the summer to 1 of 5 experimental conditions: A high monetary rebate condition in which Ss received conservation information, w…

Reducing Electricity and Natural Gas Consumption Using Feedback and Incentives in Voorschoten, Netherlands, ,

Midden, C. J., Meter, J. E., Weenig, M. H., & Zieverink, H. J. (1983). Using feedback, reinforcement and information to reduce energy consumption in
After conducting a literature review, a pilot program was designed to reduce energy consumption in apartment complexes. Ninety-one households were divided into 4 conditions. All g…

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