Hi all,
You may have heard of Opower, an American company that provides a customer engagement platform for utilities. They were acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2016. Anyway, O…
To promote the reduction of home energy consumption and energy use related to food and transportation, Girl Scouts created the Girls Learning Energy and Environment Program (GLEE)…
Kady Cowan, founder of Energy Connect, designed the program with a specific focus on engaging frontline facilities management staff, building operators, mechanics, and engineers i…
Based on a campaign run in Belgium in 2003, Europe’s Energy Neighborhoods was a program designed to allow neighborhoods to ‘bet’ with their municipalities that they could reduce e…
Medicine Hat, a city in western Canada with a municipally owned utility, was interested in exploring how consumers would respond to receiving information on their home’s heat loss…
Class 5 Energy was an approach to energy reduction developed in White Bear Lake Minnesota that was tested in two unique settings – a school and a healthcare facility. Using materi…
The following case study explores how the City of Burlington’s Ice Rink Energy Competition employed a low cost, easily replicable approach to significantly reduce energy consumpti…
In 2009, Opower, an energy information software company, partnered with a Minnesota utility company to provide residential customers of the utility company with customized home en…
Developed by the non-profit SEI, California’s Energy Conservation Competition aimed to change behaviors around lighting, plug-loads, and mechanical systems by working with teacher…
In 2009, the ClimateSmart Home Service program was launched by Local Government Infrastructure Services (LGIS) in Queensland, Australia. This program aimed to reduce the electrici…