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Peru: A Handwashing Behavior Change Journey

The Handwashing Initiative (HWI) was created in an effort to increase handwashing with soap among mothers and children in Peru. A formative research study was used to confirm the …
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Emotional demonstrations (emo-demos) of handwashing with soap at vaccination centres

In 2014, the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) program was introduced in Tanzania to raise mothers’ and caregivers’ awareness of the importance of washing hands w…
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Targeted at healthcare staff in England and Wales, the goal of the cleanyourhands campaign was to improve hand hygiene as a way of combating preventable healthcare associated infe…
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Deliver Life

Deliver Life was a campaign implemented in Malawi to emphasize the importance of practicing and sustaining good hygiene practices like hand washing with soap, using latrines prope…
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What’s pants, but could save your life?

A West Midlands National Health Service (NHS) program, ‘what’s pants, but could save your life?’ was designed to achieve a sustained increase in cervical screening amongst women 2…
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The West of Scotland Cancer Awareness Project

Created in 2003, the West of Scotland Cancer Awareness Project aimed to encourage individuals belonging to at-risk populations in the region to contact the National Health Service…
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Find Cancer Early

Cancer Council Western Australia (WA) created the Find Cancer Early campaign in 2011 to increase awareness of the common signs and symptoms of breast, bowl, lung, and prostate can…
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Skin and Colon Cancer Media Campaigns in Utah

In 2003, the Utah Cancer Action Network (UCAN), which aims to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in the state, selected skin and colon cancers as their top priorities. With the…
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Breast Aware

Breast Aware was a social marketing pilot project created by the National Health Service Tameside and Glossop (NHST&G) that aimed to increase breast awareness in women aged 35 to …
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New York State Cancer Services Program (CSP)

In response to low cancer screening rates in the United States, New York State’s Cancer Services Program (CSP) was created in an attempt to increase screening rates among the stat…

Virtual Oceania

Introductory Workshop

Nov 26th - 28th, 2024

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Introductory Workshop

Dec 3rd - 5th, 2024

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McKenzie-Mohr & Associates

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