CBSM Recommends

Europe’s Energy Neighborhoods

Based on a campaign run in Belgium in 2003, Europe’s Energy Neighborhoods was a program designed to allow neighborhoods to ‘bet’ with their municipalities that they could reduce e…
CBSM Recommends

Barrie Water Conservation Program

Due to a rapid increase in population growth, Barrie, Ontario was faced with an increasing demand on water supply. An environmental assessment conducted by the Municipal Works Dep…
CBSM Recommends

Capitol Hill In Motion

Created in King County, Washington, Capitol Hill In Motion was a campaign designed to encourage car users and car-owning households in communities where 70% of people were already…
CBSM Recommends

Brisbane’s Active Schools Travel Program

Brisbane City Council’s Active School Travel (AST) Program aimed to change the travel behavior of Brisbane primary school students, parents, and school communities by encouraging …
CBSM Recommends

Brisbane’s Active Schools Travel Program

Brisbane City Council’s Active School Travel (AST) Program aimed to change the travel behavior of Brisbane primary school students, parents, and school communities by encouraging …
CBSM Recommends

GCC Active and Safe Routes to School (2008 on)

First implemented in 1997, Green Communities Canada’s national Active and Safe Routes to School Program (GCC’s ASRTS) saw great initial success, though over time, individual schoo…
CBSM Recommends

Stockholm Congestion Pricing

The Stockholm congestion charge was a tax levied on vehicles entering and exiting the inner city in an attempt decrease the number of trips made in private vehicles, ultimately re…
CBSM Recommends

Bologna’s Bella Mossa

Bologna’s Bella Mossa program explored how positive incentives could be used to encourage citizens to reconsider their travel choices, reducing the number of trips made in convent…
CBSM Recommends

20/20 The Way to Clean Air

The goal of the 20/20 The Way to Clean Air program was to engage residents living in the Greater Toronto Area in taking actions at the individual and collective level to reduce ai…
CBSM Recommends

Oregon's Air Quality Public Education and Incentive Program

As part of a strategic plan to reduce air pollution and comply with Environmental Protection Agency standards established under the Clean Air Act, Oregon’s Department of Environme…

Virtual Oceania

Introductory Workshop

Nov 26th - 28th, 2024

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Virtual North America

Introductory Workshop

Dec 3rd - 5th, 2024

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McKenzie-Mohr & Associates

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