Energy Conservation Techniques as Innovations, and their Diffusion

Darley, J. M. (1977-78). Energy conservation techniques as innovations, and their diffusion. Energy and Buildings, 1, 339-343.
Many effective products, procedures, and techniques for achieving energy conservation have been discovered by researchers. This paper focuses on the conditions under which these p…

Diffusion of Energy-Conserving Innovations

Darley, J. M., & Beniger, J. R. (1981). Diffusion of energy-conserving innovations. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 2, 150-171.
Suggests that people's decisions to adopt energy-conserving processes and products is a specific instance of the decision to adopt an innovation. Based on previous research, 8 dim…

Evaluating Acceptability and Effectiveness of Consumer Energy Conservation Programs

Claxton, J. D., Ritchie, J. R., & McDougall, G. H. (1983). Evaluating acceptability and effectiveness of consumer energy conservation programs. Journal of Economic Psychology, 4, 1-2, 71-83.
The Canadian government has recognized the need for programs that accelerate consumer energy conservation efforts. A major concern in these efforts is the identification of conser…

Energy Conservation Behavior: The Difficult Path from Information to Action

Costanzo, M., Archer, D., Aronson, E., & Pettigrew, T. (1986). Energy conservation behavior: The difficult path from information to action. American Psychologist, 41, 5, 521-528.
Presents a social-psychological model of energy-use behavior that draws on behavioral and social research to explain influence processes and behavioral change related to energy co…

Assessing Communication Effects on Energy Conservation

Craig, C. S. & McCann, J. M. (1978). Assessing communication effects on energy conservation. Journal of Consumer Research, 5, 82-88.
This article presents the results of a field experiment on alternative ways of prompting energy conservation behavior. The source of the communication was found to influence the …

From Social Psychology to Political Economy: A Model of Energy Use Behavior

Dholakia, R. R., Dholakia, N., & Firat, A. F. (1983). From social psychology to political economy: A model of energy use behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 3, 3-4, 231-247.
Argues that policies designed to affect individual energy-use behavior focus mostly on a limited number of micro (social and psychological), short-run, and easily manipulable vari…

Lifestyle and Home Energy Conservation in the United States: The Poor Accept Lifestyle Cutbacks while the Wealthy Invest in Conservation

Dillman, D. A., Rosa, E. A., & Dillman, J. J. (1983). Lifestyle and home energy conservation in the United States: The poor accept lifestyle cutbacks while the wealthy invest in conservation. Journal of Economic Psychology, 3, 3-4, 299-315.
Examined data from a general population sample survey of 8,392 households in 10 western states. An index summarizing the extent to which Ss had taken lifestyle cutbacks was somewh…

Predicting Attitudes to Oil and to Nuclear Energy

Eiser, J. R., Spears, R., & Webley, P. (1988). Predicting attitudes to oil and to nuclear energy. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 8, 2, 141-147.
Assessed the attitudes of 480 adult residents of a small town in the UK toward a new nuclear power station and a new inshore oil drilling in their neighborhood. The proposed nucle…

Why Is it So Hard to Sell "Savings" as a Reason for Energy Conservation?

Feldman, S. (1987). Why is it so hard to sell "savings" as a reason for energy conservation?. Energy Efficiency: Perspectives on Individual behavior, 27-40.

Nuclear Attitudes after Chernobyl: A Cross-National Study. Special Issue: Psychological Fallout from the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident

Eiser, J. R., Hannover, B., Mann, L., Morin, M., et al. (1990). Nuclear attitudes after Chernobyl: A cross-national study. Special Issue: Psychological fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 10, 2, 101-110.
840 Ss from universities in Australia, England, France, West Germany, and the Netherlands completed a questionnaire during the month following the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 19…

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