Does anyone know where I can find estimates of the effectiveness of strategies such as grasscycling and backyard composting for solid waste reduction? What kind of participation r…
Currently, our office handles the phone calls for missed recyclable/organics/garbage pick-up, general inquiries regarding our advanced waste management system as well as administr…
Metro (Portland, Oregon) would like to look at software applications that are used to track the results of an audit and assistance program for businesses that receive recommendati…
Can anyone on this listserv help Monica with her request for ride share research applicable to small communities? (see note below)
Jay Kassirer,
There is an interesting article in today's New York Times on the impact of smart metering upon residential energy use. Smart metering can have a substantial impact upon residentia…
I am conducting a literature review on community energy planning (CEP) and would appreciate any assistance in locating case studies, research articles, and municipal-l…
Has anyone looked at working with utilities and/or appliance/electronics manufacturers to provide little read-out lights showing kilowatts being drawn by a device or system at any…
As we enter a New Year, I'd like to share 10 Tips for Asking Others to Share Knowledge on Listservs and Forums. If you follow these tips, I think you'll be more likely to g…
Can anyone direct me to literature (academic and other) that addresses individual changes in knowledge, attitude and behavior resulting from a participatory planning effort, prefe…
Hi all,
Here is a link to the Australian Conservation Foundation's "GreenHome guide". Has information on water and energ…