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Global Action Plan Community Lifestyles Campaign

Gershon, D. & Gilman, R. (1991). Household ecoteam workbook: A six month program to bring your household into environmental balance. Uxbridge, Ontario:
The Global Action Plan (GAP) Community Lifestyles Campaign is targeted at households. A group of friends or neighbors get together eight times over 4 months. At each of these meet…

Only Pay For What You Throw Away: Three Different Approaches to Waste Disposal

Biocycle (1989) February Issue, pp.39-41.
The current waste reduction programs of three American towns, Woodstock, Illinois, Perkasie, Pennsylvania, and High Bridge, New Jersey are examined. Woodstock, Illinois uses a vol…

Baxter Healthcare Corporation Cardiovascular Group (CVG)

The Waste Boards Reduction Awards Program (WRAP) is designed to recognize companies that develop creative and aggressive programs to reduce the amount of landfill waste. To show t…

The Seafood Watch Program

The Seafood Watch program began as a list of sustainable seafood choices developed by the Monterey Bay Aquarium between 1997-1999. This list was developed in order to answer visit…

Washington State Promotes the Purchase of Recycled Content Products With Prompts in the "Get in the Loop, Buy Recycled" Program

King County commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials & Atwood, A. M. (1994). Consumer research survey: Knowledge, attitudes, and purchase of recycled-content products. King County Commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials.
Washington State used market research to identify the primary barriers to buying recycled products. Although concerns about price and quality were not addressed during this campai…

Reducing Speeding Behavior by Using Public Posting Prompt

Van Houten, R., Nau, P. A., & Marini Z. (1980). An analysis of public posting in reducing speeding behavior on an urban highway. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 13, 3, 383-395.
Drivers travelling during the week between 10:30 and 10:50 a.m. and 2:30 and 2:50 p.m. on a four-lane undivided highway entering a residential area of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia were …

Using Commitment to Reduce Energy Consumption in Iowa City

Pallak, M.S., D.A. Cook and J.J. Sullivan (1980). Commitment and Energy Conservation. In L. Bickman (ed.), Applied Social Psychology Annual 235-253, Beverley Hills, Ca: Sage.
First, a literature review identified public commitment as an effective tool for behavior change. In order to further investigate the effectiveness of commitment, this tool was in…

Energy and Water Reduction: "Green" Hotels

Patricia Griffin created "Green" Hotels Association in 1993. The goal of this association is to reduce the amount of energy and water consumed by the lodging industry. GHA provide…

Conserving Energy and Water at University of California at Santa Cruz with the Use of Norms and Prompts

Aronson, E. & O'Leary, M. (1982-83). The relative effectiveness of models and prompts on energy conservation: A field experiment in a shower room. Journal of Environmental Systems, 12, 3, 219-224.
After conducting a literature review, a norm appeal was incorporated into a pilot program designed to conserve water at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Although a sign…

The Influence of Message Framing On University Student's Intent to Participate in Sustainable Behavior

Davis, J. J. (1995). The effects of message framing on response to environmental communications. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 72, 2, 285-299.
A literature review revealed how framing a communication can affect an individual's intent to participate in sustainable behaviors. Specifically, three types of message framing we…

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