looking for research on environmental impact of different types gloves such as latex, vinyle, nitrile gloves. To help consumers make informed choices at home. And masks and what r…
Here's a brief but interesting summary from Griffith University (originally written by Michael Rothschild) of three common approaches to social change: education, marketing and la…
Hi all, check out this fantastic conference, where you can learn more about behavioural insights with some of the most well-known and well-respected behavioural scientists in the …
Did anyone see, or participate in, the #StandAgainstCorona online pledge? So far over 2700 people have taken the pledge. It was actually created as an field experiment to test dif…
Hello everyone, the Pacific Northwest Social Marketing Association's Summer Forum will be held on Wednesday, June 10th, from 11;30 am - 1:00 pm. It will be held virutally (as you'…
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of any examples of citizen science programs focused on pet waste. I asked on Twitter and did a bit of a search but didn't turn up much.…
Several policies / incentives, in place over an extended period, have made Norwegians more likely to purchase electric vehicles than people in any other country. These incentives …
BART Perks Phase II used a Smartphone-based platform to incentivize shifts in public transit trips that reduced peak demand. The approach proved cost-effective relative to the ave…
Hi everyone, if you teach social marketing in any capacity, either in a formal academic setting, or elsewhere via workshops, please take a moment to complete this survey, or pass …
The Social Marketing Association of North America (SMANA) is curating resources on social marketing and COVID-19 and has created a list in the form of a google sheet. It has a ton…